The Ioannis & Anastasios Stathopoulos label

Family matters!

Giannis Tsoulogiannis, informed today that he will start creating the mold of the I./A. Stathopoulos bouzouki durring the Christmas holidays. The luthier will use the measurements of an original, symmetrical Stathopoulo's bowl, which he has in his possession.

At the same time he is in research of finding very old woods, and fine quality materials, which he will use for the creation of this unique bouzouki.

From my side, I am also getting into the "Stathopoulos family" era.
Being fascinated by the great details which Ioannis and Anastasios Stathopoulos' labels had, I attempted to create a unique label from the past, with the fantastic assumption that the two cousins, worked together in the making of this bouzouki instrument, sometime before Anastasios migrate to New York.

Ioannis and Anastasios Stathopoulos label.Created by SDimis (c) 2012


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